
Xcode Provisioning Profiles Location Go to the Finder. From the “Go” menu navigate down to “Go to Folder”. OR Hit Command+Shift+G from the Mac OS X desktop or a Finder window. Search below Path.                 ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

Create Image Classifier Model using Create ML App

Create Image Classifier Model using Create ML App Train a machine learning model to classify images, and add it to your Core ML app. Open Create ML App. Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Create ML Select a Template Image -Image Classifier, Object Detector. Sound -Sound Classifier. Motion -Activity Classifier. Text -Text Classifier, Word Tagger. Table -Tabular Regressor, Tabular Classfier. Select Image Classifier -> Next -> Fill Project Details like Project Name, Auther, Licence, Description. Now you will see below Screen. Now Configure the input Training just drag and drop your Training Data or Training Data-> Choose Files Add Training Data Folder We Have Two folders 1. Testing Data 2. Training Data Under the Training Data, We have a List of Objects we want to train. Folder like, Training Data | — Apple | — Orange | — Banana | — …. Use at least 10 images per folder for the training set, But Use More Images Balance the number of images fo...